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Midwest Internet, Inc. is now offering (at no extra charge) Email Virus Scanning and Email Spam Elimination services for our customers.

Email Virus Scanning Service:

Our Email Virus Scanning service will scan your incoming Email messages for viruses if you choose to turn the option on. If a virus is detected, the message is automatically deleted and will not be sent to you. Our virus scanning software is automatically updated daily with the latest virus signature files and we scan for many of the Windows and Linux viruses that are out there. However, it should be noted that no virus scanning software can eliminate all viruses. The people who create viruses continually change their techniques to fool virus scanning software. This option is automatically turned on unless you set it to not check for them.

Midwest Internet, Inc. is not responsible for finding all known virus problems. The use of virus scanning software on your personal computer is highly recommended. By turning this option on, you will not receive any Email that our virus scanning software has deemed as containing a virus.

Email Spam Elimination Service:

Our Email Spam Elimination service will help reduce the number of unsolicited Email messages (Spam) you receive using the latest Spam-checking software. After you turn this option on, all your messages are assigned a Spam score value. This score is checked against two levels that you control. The first level is called a "Warning Level". If the spam score is equal to or greater than this level, it is considered Spam and the message is marked as Spam by adding "*** SPAM SCORE=x.x ***" to the Subject line. The second level is called "Reject Level". If the spam score is equal to or greater than this level, the message is returned to the sender (Flagged as Spam) and you will not get the message in your inbox. By adjusting these two levels, you can eliminate most of the Spam that you normally receive. It should be noted that no Spam Checking software can eliminate all Spam. The people who send Spam continually change their techniques to fool Spam Checking software. You also have the ability to create an "Allow/Deny" list of Email addresses. Messages from any Email address that you "Allow" will be automatically sent to you no matter what the Spam score is. Messages from any Email address that you "Deny" will be automatically blocked and not sent to you.

Midwest Internet, Inc. is not responsible for correctly identifying Spam. By turning this option on, it is possible that some messages may be flagged or rejected as Spam when they should not be. In other words, legitimate messages could be rejected because of the Warning and Reject Levels that you specify. We suggest that the Reject Level be set high initally and adjusted as you see the results.

If you would like to enable/disable either Virus Scanning or Spam Elimination, click here to continue to the login screen.

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